Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pierce of Realization

Good Day Skel here,

Have you ever wanted and waited for somthing so long that you never really see how close you are to it until its right in your face. By that time all kinds of emotions swirl about LOL. I have been goin through a storm in my life for a long time, I wandered in the wilderness and all those good analogies and things. I have claimed to be out for so long it's just second nature to say now, but I always believed. So now that things are going in the direction that I want them to, not the way i want them to but the direction, I am over come by emotions. As hard and rough as that part of my life was, it was my life but now its over. A big part of me, 30 years of my life are over. I am excited about it, and even that is crazy to me. I am just ready to embrace this new lease on life and see where it takes me.
I will be in Savannah, GA next week. With a plan, a purpose, and a goal. I will be around the people I call family again. Coming from where i was in Richmond, VA where I had some close aquaintences but few friends, true friends. I am a real person, able to look at myself as a whole and not in pieces. I have had a nomadic life long enough to know that I am me no matter where i go or who i am around. I am always goin to be me, and for the first time that means a lot to me. I no longer need the people i care for to make me feel like somebody. I was somebody before you came in to my life and will be somebody when and if you leave. Love you just the same and I am quite sure we had some good times. Thats the way I look at the world LOL, and i like it that way. Just funny to realize that you really believe the things you say. I say all the time, and don't plan on stopping, that I love being me. LOL And I honestly and truely do. Not being conceited or pompous about it. Simply put, love the person that I have grown to be and am looking forward to the person I am to become.
This is Skel saying love life, love each other, love yourself and most importantly love the LORD

1 comment:

  1. I think that was the hardest part of life for me to accept. Not using people to validate my existence. Because I am going to be the same Louise, whether a person is here or not.
